Well, greetings to all you
blogsters. This is a new thing for me, this blogging deal. I have wanted to start one for a couple months, and now my dream is coming to fruition. The main reason that I have started this blog is to help you to stay in touch with what I am doing with my life. Since I will be leaving for South Africa in 23 days, this will probably be the best way to get updates. I will be in Johannesburg for two and a half months, working in tandem with Grace Christian Church in putting a roof on an AIDS hospice, visiting orphans who are HIV positive, and basically being a handyman in the settlements. That is the main thrust of my trip. This is an awesome experience for me because this will be the second time I have gone there. Last summer I was in South Africa for 3 weeks and that totally changed my life. I cannot wait to see how the children have grown and to see what progress has been made on the sanctuary of the plant church we were building. I have no doubt that it will be a growing time and a time where I learn how important leaning on God is.
I return to the US around the beginning of August and have just enough time to do some laundry, say hello to close friends, and pack back up on the plane to leave for the Holy Land. I have a great
opportunity to spend the Fall semester studying the Bible in the land that it was written, Israel. The Master's College has this program called IBEX, and it is the extension campus of Master's. I will be there from August 28 until December 8. So, within the next 7 months, I'll be home around three or four weeks.
That is the main reason for this blog. I hope to be blogging regularly. Whether that will be stories from my experiences, pictures, encouraging things that I'm reading, what God is teaching me, songs, poetry, life lessons, or just to say hello. Whatever the format is i hope that it finds you well and you enjoy seeing, from reading, what I am experiencing. Thank you and God bless.
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i'm excited...
Welcome to the blogosphere. Since we're pretty much not going to see each other until our senior years, we'll be forced to resort to blogs. Keep the posts coming.
Protect the name.
the people demand further postings!
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