Sunday, June 17, 2007

We Will Be An Encouragement

Well, sorry for not posting for a while. I have been extremely busy, but yes, I know, that is no excuse. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am alive and well.
Why am I so busy? you ask. Let me tell you. Last Friday, June 8, a team from Grace Community Church flew in, and being an intern, I pretty much spend all my waking moments with the team. Though I am not living with them, I am with them when they are waking up and with them when they are going to sleep. I can not express how much of an encouragement the whole team has been to my soul. To be honest the week before they came was a little rough for me, in terms of missing home, but this has been a refreshing time. It is nice to see familiar faces, and to make new friends.

I had a conversation with Beth Mack about the loneliness, and she said something to me that I've really been thinking about lately. I need to be taking this time that God has given me to be alone, and see it as a gift. If any of you know me, I like to be doing things. I like to be out and about. I like to have something happening all of the time. If you have ever tried to get together with me, I'll probably have something going on every night of the week. And now in South Africa God has slowed my life down a lot. Not to say that I do not have things to do, but for example, the weekday nights are mine to do whatever with. This has been a good thing. I am free in the evenings to be reading, to be praying, to be concentrating on school work.

I guess I either have two options, to sit and pout about the fact that none of my friends are around or I can buck up and rejoice and praise God for all of the time He has graciously given to me... I'll take the latter.

All of that to say that this team from Grace has served me in a way that I couldn't have imagined. I am blessed that they are here and that I get to be a part of their missions trip. This trip that they are on is the same trip that changed my life last year. I pray that lives are changed on this trip for the team. I know that they have impacted mine.

I'd like to give shout out to my boy AUSTIN the "DA" and Joe


Anonymous said...

I miss you and so glad to hear from you, that you are learning a lot and growing in the Lord! I think it's 22 days now! I'm so excited! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt,
It was great reading your update from Africa. I have your picture on our refrigerator to remind me to pray for you daily. I'm glad you are enjoying your time in Africa and that God is working in your life. We love you and miss you!

Coach and Kelly Martin

Anonymous said...


Great post. Great thoughts. Your perspective on loneliness and using your time there is such an encouragement. Keep working for God's glory in South Africa!

Anonymous said...

O.K. this is a test, my last 2 messages were lost in the dark land somewhere.
your fav. auntie.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord...I am glad that you are growing closer to the Lord. Thank you for the encouragement! _Mallory