Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Three weeks left

Well, I only have three and a half more weeks here in South Africa and its kind of a bummer. I feel like this trip has flown by faster than anything I have ever experienced. Although I know that there are still things to be done while I’m here I am thinking about coming home. For example, this week I am installing some heaters for the school in Katlehong. I am almost done with my paper on how to start an orphanage, it has been going really smoothly and I think that is because that is what I’m most passionate about. It has been a learning experience for me writing this paper and reading the books for Dr. Tatlock. I have learned how little compassion I really have and how I need to be depending on Christ to give me compassion like Him. Reading in the gospel accounts of Jesus’ ministry we see that He just did not feel bad for the people who were outcast but He sought them out. In one of the books I read it gave the definition of Pity and Compassion. Pity is defined as a feeling of sorrow for another person’s sorrow. And compassion as a feeling of pity that makes one want to help or show mercy. Pity looks, sees, and feels but stops there. Compassion looks sees, feels, and then does something. Matthew 20:34 illustrates this idea: “So Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes” Pity sees; compassion touches.
I have seen so much while I have been here and I would not change anything about my trip. God is good and is faithful to convict me of sin and grow me into what He wants. I cannot wait to show all of you all of my pictures and stories to go along with them. I’ll see you in less than a month!


Ben Blakey said...

Dude, that's crazy that your time there is almost up! I hope your last three weeks are your best yet!

Anonymous said...

Keep your eye on the prize my brother!

Anonymous said...

Dear Matthew,

Last week your dad was here for lunch and I fixed him a killer burger. We were going to say "hi" to you on my computer, but your dad passed out from the burger. Now, that was last week. After writing our message we were unable to send.

This week, he is over here for lunch again. He is propped up in his chair, fighting sleep, and he mistakenly after almost at the end of my note to you, deleted the whole thing.

Here we go again! (4th time!) I've just always wanted to say, "hi", "how are you?". I hope this message gets through. I hear you're doing a great job of ministering, Donna and I a very proud of you. We received your postcard. I hope you look as great as you did in the postcard when you get home. As you know, your sister's coming. Should be a great team. Two Davises are better than one. Bless you for your donation to humanity and looking forward to seeing you when you get home.


Pete, your dad's pesty friend.